would you be insulted by this?

long story short: this morning i brought up to my friends my boobs spilling out of my tank top cuz they are pretty big and they said “can’t relate we have small boobs” the only reason i brought it up was so they wouldn’t call me a slut or whatever cuz it was wicked hot. anywho a few hours ago i sent a video of my singing “i want a hippopotamus for christmas” (i was sitting on my little sisters lap and she was pretending to be santa as a joke so i sang songs abt that stuff and sent it to them on snapchat to be funny). they both open it and we talk abt something random, then an hour later one my friends goes “you say you want a hippopotamus for christmas but ur boobs are hippos” and i thought it was funny. i pointed out how delayed it was and she said “we were discussing privately if i should say it or not then decided to fuck it and send it” and the fact they had to talk abt it rubs me the wrong way. like she was mad at me last night and called me an anorexic cow but had trouble making fun of my boobs? i thought it was fine at first but now it feels weird and i just want to know how you ladies would feel if a friend said that to you.

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