Am i wrong

I took my kids to the park today for the first time. There was a group of young boys (7-9) i assumed. They're mother was on her phone the whole time and wasn't paying attention to what they were doing. Now i understand they're kids i don't blame them one bit for they're behavior i assume its whats ok at their house. They were pushing the smaller kids, running without looking, running up the slides, riding they're scooters, breaking the trees inside the playground, and even jumped the fence onto on going traffic now my sons 4 with ADHD so I'm running behind him and i understood what they were doing he found "fun" and i had to remind him over and over that those things were not ok in our house. Well at one point i took a minute to take my younger son down the slide and i see my son trying to jump the fence along with the other kids so I got a little frustrated at the fact that they're mother did not care so i tell my son in a firm voice "we will not do monkey see monkey do, I've told you that you'll get hurt" the mother of the kids then gets mad and starts saying things under her breath along the lines of they're kids they're having run thats the point of a playground and again i understand that but they're smaller kids seeing this behavior and want to do the same thinking its ok. I didn't reply to anything she said i grabbed my boys and left. Maybe i was wrong i wasn't trying to direct my words to her, i was speaking to My Son and i won't allow my son to do something because he sees other kids doing it. So my question was i wrong for saying that? A friend of mine was with me and she thinks my comments was a bit much.

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