9weeks6days and a little nervous 😬

JOY • FTM 💙🌈👶🏽 12.18.2020

So.... some of these stories on here are getting to me 🤦🏽‍♀️ my heart hurts for the ladies that lost their babies . I had 2 early MCs. (6weeks or less) one in 2018 and 2019. I’ll be 10 weeks tomorrow. I went to dr on 8/5/2020 and baby had strong heart beat of 170.🙏🏽 thank you God. I have a lot of faith and positivity however the unknowing of what’s happening inside of me is hard to deal with . That thought of that strong heart beat stopping is creeping up on me every now and then. I then remember I can’t control what happens and I have to keep praying and trusting in God. Anyone else ever feel this way sometimes? I won’t get another ultrasound til 20

Weeks 🤷🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ I have to know something before then! I’m going to have to do a private scan in a few weeks I guess. Anyone experiencing or has experienced something similar?