passed 1hr gd test!

Lexus • babygirl due 10/2020🌸🤍

last week i went in to take my glucose test but my OB wasn’t in so i had to see her nurse practitioner. she was really rude about my weight gain & made some ugly comments. i’m 6’2 & pre pregnancy i weighed 142, now at 29 weeks i weigh 189. i’ve always gained weight fast, plus she cut me off before i could mention to her that my babygirl is measuring almost 3.5 weeks ahead. she said “we need to check that to see if the weight gain is from gestational diabetes because that’s too much, did you seriously gain 48 pounds? is it from covid & just sitting around the house?” it was really irritating but i’ve passed my test so i’m not worried about it. my baby’s dad & i are the same height & weight. only thing i’m scared about is her birth weight because i was born at almost 10 pounds & she’s really heavy already 😩