Help me help other women with your taboos πŸ™†πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

Kate β€’ Here to help and keep myself from getting pregnant πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

Hey ladies! I've once created a magazine all about sex and the female body, and while it was a one time thing it was conceived incredibly well! I was astonished at how much a lot of women did not know though, and now I'd like to continue writing about it and hopefully help women. I myself am no certified expert, but thanks to that magazine I do have a lot of sources I can talk to to help me find answers and explain things.

So my question is: what are questions you have when it comes to sex and/or the female body? What interests you?

Note: it's all about what do you struggle with, what would you like explained, what do you feel awkward or ashamed about? The theme of my magazine was 'female taboos'. I wrote about things like 'how to best go about anal', 'what does the color of your period blood mean', and 'how do I feel sexy in my plus-sized body'. What I'm saying is that basically anything goes. Every insecurity or question or awkward problem you have, I'd like to dig into with the hope of helping women. If only one girl or woman gets something out if it I'd say it's worth it πŸ’ͺπŸΌβ™€οΈ

Extra note: I'm not doing this for self promotion. I could just grab some questions from here, but I feel like that would be a violation of privacy in a way. Feel free to read it or don't, I'd just like to know what women are struggling with. Feel free to DM me if that feels better!