Am I in the wrong?

So my boyfriend and I have been dating for about 7 months now and we live together so I got to know him really well. We have had some arguments about things that I may or may not be overreacting to.... we go to the gym together almost every day and if there is a girl that walks near him or around him he will turn his head and stare at them and I notice this every time we go. I told him I don’t like it and he says it’s not a big deal and that he just glances for a second. He also watches porn every day or every other day and I told him it really bothers me because I don’t want to think of him getting off to another female and I know he doesn’t personally know them but it really eats at me and I get upset and really really insecure. We do have sex but not as often as I’d like cuz he rather watch porn... he says it’s fast and easy for him to do it that way instead of having sex with me. I don’t want to leave him because a part of me feels like I’m overreacting but the other part of me is confused as to why he would do that stuff when he’s in a relationship. I don’t watch porn or look at other guys at the gym because I don’t need to I have a boyfriend that I love very much I just wished he felt the same towards me.