Sweet, sweet MIL karma ☺️

Y’all I really hate being petty. Like I really am not that kind of person...but this couldn’t be passed up. We live with my MIL right now because she asked us to move in and help. She recently got divorced and can’t keep up with things on her own. Anyways, since we’ve moved in she’s been an absolute control freak. Our thermostat is literally locked in a box that only she has the key to and no one can change it. She keeps it on 75 in the California summer and it’s suffocating. She also keeps the fan remotes and stuff locked up. Ok SO...our AC went out. As you can imagine, our house is H O T. Guess who is buying a portable AC for their bedroom until it gets fixed? Us. My husband thinks we are being selfish but honestly, I don’t care. Me tonight: