Custody and visitation

I was granted temporary full custody till our next court date. There was nothing regarding my ex husband and him having any visitation(he nor his attorney showed up). He was never involved in our sons life, was always to “busy”, put vacations before our sons immediate emergency medical needs. He went as far as trying to cancel our sons medical insurance so he wouldn’t have to pay anything towards his medical expenses, he’s never paid anything for his son...It took the guardian ad litem getting on him to be more involved in his child’s life since he wants 50/50 custody. I’m going for sole legal/physical custody. The judge won’t grant him 50/50 custody for the shear fact we live in two separate states, 6+ hour drive one way from each other. My ex has also been diagnosed by a medical professional with narcissist personality disorder.

The issue I’m having is, I don’t have to let him see our son at all, however to show I’m not trying to keep our son from him that it’s in fact him, I’ve allowed FaceTime calls. He’s missed 90% of all the calls he was supposed to make, then will blame me not being willing to work with him and accuse me of keeping our son from him, that our son “deserves to have his father,me, as much in his life as possible”. Mind you EVERY email I have sent ive asked what days and times he’s available so that we can make a schedule that works for everyone. He REFUSES to answer it saying I need make time for his last minutes calls and that the days and times I gave him that work for us were unreasonable and didn’t work for his schedule... again I’ve been asking him what days and times he’s available to make a schedule that works for all of us🤦🏼‍♀️

The few calls they have had have been extremely short, as short as 2 minutes, with my ex making comments such as “I guess I’ll just go since you don’t wanna talk to me” “where did you go” “why won’t you sit still” “I’m going, bye”. Our son is 2. Is it unreasonable for me to be frustrated that he’s playing these games and won’t give a schedule when he’s available after I’ve given him ours to work out a working schedule for everyone?? It just seems so childish and unreasonable to me that he expects us to bend over backwards and put our lives on hold for him cause he refuses to coparent with me.