In Shock! 🥰

Jennifer • Mommy to 2 Angel babies 4/2/18 & 6/20/20 👼👼 Fur mama 🐶 Married to my Best Friend ❤ Mama to our rainbow baby Camden Joseph - 3/11/19 👶❤🌈 Excitedly expecting baby #2 - April 26th 2021 🤰❤

My husband and I have been trying for baby #2 for 9 months now. In June we experienced a chemical pregnancy and it was so heartbreaking for both of us. This month we decided not really track or make TTC seem like a second job. All of the tracking, taking test after test each month and always coming back negative was adding so much unwanted stress. Well according to my <a href="">glow app</a> today I'm 8 days away from my period. My periods vary each month which is normal since I had my son but its normally only by a few days. So today I noticed I was slightly crampy, tired and my boobs are a tad sore. So.....I thought " well here comes my period. Just another month of disappointment". For some reason though I thought I'll take a test just to see.....while yelling at myself in my head for wasting another test ( we all know how ridiculously expensive they are ). So I took my last clear blue digital, layed it on the sink and totally prepared myself to be disappointed. After a bit I came back into the bathroom to take a peek......whaaaaaaat?!!!! Holy cow you guys I was not expecting a positive! I'm so excited and cant wait to tell my husband who is at work. Schuster party of 4 coming

April 2021!!! 🥰🧔👩🧒👶❤