
Candace • Ectopic 8/2016👼 Ectopic 12/2018👼 Ectopic 8/2020👼

So I'm sitting here at work crying because my Tww is over. But I am too afraid to test. I have a script for bloodwork for monday Aug 17th. I'm crying because my life would change soo much (for the better if +) and would just make my honey and I soo incredibly happy.

But the fear of not knowing and how bad we want this makes me sooo sad.

I am hopeful. I am staying positive. I will keep faith.

But goodness I just hope and pray this <a href="">iui</a> this cycle helped us with our Rainbow......

Jus needed to vent a lil.

Anyone else beed to vent I will be your listening ear. As so many of us don't have one in ohr personal lives.