I’m exhausted

Our first baby is 2 1/2 and our second is a month and a half and I’m exhausted. Our second is going through a leap and isn’t sleeping well right now, our first is extra clingy and more prone to acting out, and I feel like I’m doing it all alone. My husband is doing the dishes right now (angerly) because I *shockingly* didn’t get much done today since I had my discharge appointment today. I put laundry away and fed our toddler and that was the extent of what I was able to do before we left. We got home an hour ago and the baby had to nurse, both kids needed to be changed, and then I worked on getting our youngest to fall asleep so I could start on supper. The first time my husband says is “What’s for dinner?” and then “Is it in the oven? Do you know what time it is?” I’m just so done at this point. I’m fucking exhausted I got maybe five hours of sleep last night and I feel like I’m about to start crying because he’s acting like a jerk. I’m in the bathroom upstairs and can hear him bashing around down in the kitchen doing the dishes with a lot of attitude. I don’t even know if our marriage is worth saving anymore. I don’t want my kids to grow up in a broken family but I’m tired of telling him what’s going on and not being listened to. I’m tired. Just needed to vent.