Pregnant or not?????

Okay before you judge me or be completely negative or rude. Read what I have to say before you call me crazy Earlier this morning I had some slight cramping barely noticeable then when I went to pay I wiped and there was some pale pink blood so I’ve too earlier this morning I had some slight cramping barely noticeable then when I went to P I wiped and there was some pale pink blood so I took test and it was faint. BUT the crazy and unusual thing is. ISSSS I had what I THOUGHT was my period 8 days ago.... what do you guys think... is it possible I’m pregnant or what.. I called my OB I was originally supposed to go in for an ultrasound to check for sis because I have pain during intercourse and pain randomly throughout the day and she was going to check for anything else but it might be but now I’m supposed to go in for not only that but bloodwork to see if I’m actually pregnant or not