Born at 32 weeks dealing with reflux

Valincia • 👶🏽💙7.17.07, 👶🏽💙2.12.13, 👼🏽5.21.19, 👶🏽💗6.12.20

My baby girl was born early via emergency c section due to pre eclampsia. She was dealing with reflux issues in NICU. Her heart rate would drop low and was not allowed to come home until she went 5 days straight without it happening. It took about two weeks. She is doing much better now at home but still grunts none stop, tightening her stomach, and refluxing at least twice a day. Any other moms experienced this? And how long did it last? The docs refuse to put her on medication because “she don’t need it” “it’s not bad enough for medication”