I’m not ready for October

Does anyone else feel not ready for their baby?

Not like “I don’t have my nursery done or the baby’s clothes washed” ready.

More like “I don’t know what I’m going to do once there is a new human in my home that is 10000% reliant on me and my ability to function” type ready.

My sister in law keeps sending me articles and resources in my city about cognitive development, newborn appointments, newborn photography, and, this one almost killed me, PREPARING FOR KINDERGARTEN. She lives on the other side of the country and she had more forethought to think of these things than me. I’m barely keeping it together week by week.

As excited as I am, I’m equally terrified. I’ve struggled with infertility for YEARS. This isn’t how I thought the end of my pregnancy would be. If the kiddo wants to stay in there for another 5 months, I think I’d be ok with that.

Someone please tell me I’m not the only one. I feel genuinely disheartened by how mentally/emotionally unprepared I feel to meet my baby.