Hi ladies ( I apologise in advance! 🙈)


So....as you can see I go abit POAS mad during my tww....I'm on month 8 of ttc and feel like I stress myself out every month....I think I may take a break after this month is done.

As you can see I thought I'd do line progression (or lack off!) Since 7DPO so I could clearly see if there was a line or not.

I am now on 10DPO and had cramping 8DPO ( I'm aware it could well be PMS symptoms as AF is due in 3 days.)

The First response tests are showing a big fat nothing....but I feel like the two Amazon cheapies may be showing something today (10DPO)

IM sorry for all the pictures, you just end up taking pictures from different angles to try and see ( I think my head may be making these lines up) 😭

Thank you ladies.

If you get a minute please could you comment where you see the line if possible so I'll know if I'm losing my mind or not 😭

And massively babydust to you all, we are all in this together. X

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