Baby rash

K 🧸

So my baby had a case of what we suspected as being baby eczma went to the Drs and it was confirmed and we were told to continue with moisturiser as it wasnt too bad etc. Majority of it cleared but it got really bad under his arm so went back to see the Dr again and was prescribed a mild steroid cream, it eased within days. Then 4 or 5 days after the cream treatment ended it flared up again, this time with a spotty rash around it because it was a weekend I took him to the hospital and they said that maybe with the heat he was experiencing a fungal infection and prescribed a different cream. Almost a week on and it hasn't eased. I have attached photographs of his problem. Has anyone ever had this with their little ones? It looks so sore but I don't think it's irritating him as he does cry or wince when it's touched or anything.