Baby daddy broke into window...

Last night, I was laying in bed with my boyfriend and son. My son was sleeping on his bed and my bf and I was on my bed watching TV. I heard something at my window but shook it off since it had been raining all day, I thought it was the trees hitting the window. I started to see a shadow moving so I went closer to the window and seen my son's father staring at us. Then my baby daddy somehow opened the window trying to come in and started saying something to my boyfriend. My baby daddy went to the from of my yard and bust the windows out of my boyfriend's truck. We called the police and everything. Now I don't know what to do because I don't want this man in my son's life anymore. He's already abused me multiple times giving me black eyes and bruises. I'm afraid because he texted and told me if he catch my bf over my house again, he was going to kill him. I couldn't sleep last night in fear that he was going to break in again and hurt my son and me. Any advice on what I should do?