I just need some reassurance


I'm extremely insecure and struggle with self love a lot.I have don't have clear skin.I have strechmarks and cellulite.I have spider veins.I barely have any boobs or bum.I don't have a flat tummy.I can't even look in the mirror without crying and hating what I see.I just wish I was beautiful like all these other girls.I was planning on wearing a dress tomorrow but after I just looked at my legs I immediately changed my mind.I'm so scared that I'll never get a boyfriend because what cute guy wants to be with a girl that looks like me.I've been having multiple suicidal thoughts lately and I just feel like giving up.I think I have depression and I told my mom but she doesn't listen.Life sucks and so much shit happened to me and I didn't even deserve any of it.I just want to be happy again and love myself but it feels impossible.