Fiance (Sorry, Long rant)

My fiance and I have had our issues. Buy i have been going to therapy because he doesn't feel like he needs it. My therapist says he has a problem with control and I'm starting to worry. He knit picks at me constantly and I'm trying to understand because I'm not easy as well and the pandemic and we are under a lot of stress. But I'm starting to stand up for myself more. And he gets mad. Everyday he has something to say about me. Yesterday he had an issue that I was zoned out at the store. Today, he had another issue with the way I moved in the bed at night when I slept. We tried to keep the peace but he does things to bother me. Then he thinks its a joke and acts like he didn't know it bothered me when he does. He knows it bothers me and does it even more to get under my skin then acts innocent but in a joking way. My feelings and insecurities aren't a joke. Anyways, he's on the laptop on the bed and I'm trying to get into a comfortable position and he asks me to stop moving. By this point I'm just upset and I tell him no that I'm trying to get more comfortable. Then he calls me an asshole. I let him know he can just tell me why he wants me to stop moving or just be nicer and he justifies what he says to me. I let it go. Our own wakes up and for 2 hours I try to put him to sleep. Hes finally asleep. Im exhausted and I go lay down not caring where the control, my phone is. Hes playing his video game and he comes and starts searching the bed. I turn off the wifi because that's what we usually do for his game not to lag. But the he says give me your phone. I ask him why ( he tried to do this today) and he says because, ill explain later. But if he were more respectful. I wouldn't have mind to give him my phone if he needed it. Plus you can't just call me an asshole and come and demand for my phone and not give me a reason . He starts to get on top of me and tries to snatch it from my hand. I tell him no and he needs to get away from me. I finally am able to get up and i call my mom and he leaves mad. I didn't tell my mom anything and she didn't hear anything because it was ringing when he left the room. Im not sure what to do