Baby spitting up more than normal 😩


My baby is 8 weeks old and is eating 3 1/2 - 4 oz of formula every 2-3 hours.

She is on reflux medication because we think she has silent reflux (very fussy feedings and would cry when being burped).

But now within the last few days she has been spitting up more. Like I just got done with a feeding where I burped her 3 times and she spit up each time. And then once again a few minutes after the feeding.

And I do all the things that I’m supposed to. I feed her having her sit more upright, burp her multiple times throughout the feeding, I keep her upright 20-30 minutes after a feeding, the head side of her bassinet is elevated, etc.

Is that okay? Is it normal for a baby to spit up that much? She used to never spit up or it was very rare if she did.