Preeclampsia Concerns- Advice please


At my 31 week appointment my blood pressure was high. They did 3 readings: 146/82, 140/80, 134/80. I have had “white coat syndrome” my whole life and always freak at blood pressure readings making them higher than normal. Plus this was my first week back as a teacher, rushed to get there, it was 100 degrees, climbed the stairs to his office all in the mask etc. so I think I was just “stressed” and never had time to chill and breathe before the reading, etc. when normally since March my appts were 8am and I was chill.

He kept telling me we have to keep an eye on it for preeclampsia etc but to not be too worried bc my urine was fine and my feet swelling seems to be very mild if I do ever have it and it’s diagnosed if the number never goes below 140 which mine did by the 3rd reading.

But of course I went down the google rabbit hole when I came home and saw it leads to bedrest etc and a symptom is right rib pain which I’ve had for a couple weeks and just assumed it was baby in my ribs but like... what if it’s not?

I’m worried because my next Appt isn’t for 3 weeks and what if I really do have it and have another 3 weeks of not knowing?

Can some calm me please? Thanks!!