Pap while pregnant???

I’ve gotten a Pap smear every year for the last 10 years, my most recent one was a year and a half ago - my Dr said I only need to get a Pap every 3 years from now on. (results have always been normal & ive only been with my husband for the last 9 years)

We moved and I switched to a new OBGYN, they’ve been great so far. At my 13 week prenatal appointment they said we will do bloodwork and a Pap smear. I didn’t say anything at the time, but now that its coming up, I want to decline it.

I also had a D&E after a missed miscarriage in March. Would I need a Pap so soon after that? This is our rainbow baby and I don’t want it to cause any spotting, etc.

Please share some pro/cons of waiting until after birth to do a Pap. I’m technically not due for one if I’m following the 3 year standard. Thanks!