Birthday party theme for my son

Ok ladies I need some help

My son is turning 2 next month. I’m having a small party for him, it’s only immediate family and grandparents one aunt and uncle

For his first birthday, it was Sesame Street themed. I don’t really know why I picked Sesame Street, because he didn’t watch Sesame Street, but I thought it would be cute

Now that he’s turning 2, he loves Sesame Street. It’s the only show he watches, (no judgment, i limit his Sesame Street time). He gets so excited when he sees big bird Elmo and the Cookie Monster.

He really doesn’t like anything else. I mean, he likes trucks, cars, his play kitchen. So I don’t even know what other theme I would do.

Am I putting too much thought into this? It’s a really small party so it’s not like people are going to be like omg you did Sesame Street last year.

Should I do Sesame Street again or something else?

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