Sleep regression?

My baby is 16 weeks and sleep great (so far) at night. He sleeps around 11 hours straight. However for range last week or so, he has really started to fight his naps. He will scream bloody murder for ages before I can get him down. He doesn’t have the skills to self soothe so relies on me rocking him. Today he seemed to get sooo upset that I took him for a walk each time he needed a nap as this was the only way he would settle in his pram. He doesn’t sleep for long and is definitely more cranky than normal. He is normally such a pleasant baby.

Although he still sleeps well at night when it’s pitch black, would you say this was part of the sleep regression? Something has definitely changed and the last few days have been really hard.

How do you settle your baby if they won’t go down drowsy but awake? Looking for help