*insert frustrated scream here*

Rina 🧜‍♀️

I have to rant or I will never get any sleep...

I had the baby out cold for the night at just after 8. I motion for DH to take the blanket out of the crib so I can lay her down. She doesn't get a blanket at night. She doesn't like having a blanket or getting swaddled at night. Why would I need to instruct my stupid husband on this. He knows this. And yet he put it on her, but not before he drug it across her face!! Obviously she woke up. And I have to work to put her back down. I kick my husband out of the nursery because I just can't with him rn. 2 fucking hours later I can finally put her back in the crib and I go to bitch at the moron and guess what. He's asleep! It legit makes me want to kick him in the face. He has been complaining all day about how tired he is. I haven't slept in a week. I ask him to help with 2 nights since he wasn't working this weekend so I can try to recharge and has been next to no help. I swear to god I'm going to loose it. I have now been awake since 3am today and LO is super restless so I doubt I'll be getting much sleep tonight either. Guess who's getting baby duty in the morning before work... That guy