Don’t give up


Sending positive vibes to all my ttc ladies... I know the journey is hard. All the testing, 2Ww and joy and pain of happy and sad news. Your strength and faith will get you thru trust me. I’ve been actively trying with a specialist since January 2020. Started first round of Leterzole in June. Been thru 2 chemicals and now on round 3 <a href="">Iui</a> cycle switching from 5mg to 7.5mg. My hopes were high each cycle, every little symptom in my 2ww trigger the question what if? I’ve been driving myself crazy in this journey. The pain in you might be pregnant from your numbers on your Hcg blood test being elevated to, come back in 2 days to test again then the big slap to your face you had a chemical 😢 every time I processed my chemicals a little voice in the back of my mind whisper keep going. My recent chemical I finally cried. I was upset with myself for no reason, It’s literally not our fault. Everything in our bodies have to connect and work properly to achieve our goal. We are not the only ones wishing our human organs and reproduction system work perfectly. Being ttc or other medical issues we are not perfect but having faith and keeping at it is what matter the most. I know some of you are tired 😓 DON’T GIVE UP! I know some of you are second guessing your body 😢 DON’T LOSE FAITH! I know some of you are wishing it just happen already 🙌🏽 I’M CLAIMING IT FOR YOU, IT WILL! You have to speak 🗣 it into existence over and over again. Regardless of cycle one ☝🏽 or cycle 2 and so on failing positive thoughts 💭 Ladies chin high, faith higher in perfect god timing it will manifest and happen! Sending baby dust to everyone who read this the journey is hard but your faith is stronger 💪🏽 sending hugs 🤗 to those in need and a little of my own strength to those who’s on the verge of giving up! Calm your mind and let faith lead your steps....