Worst. Mom. Ever.


Update: we are leaving the ER. Everything looks perfect and he was even flirting with the nurses and doctors. Thanking God for keeping his healing and protective hand over him.

Soooo I'm sitting in the ER with my sixteen week old sobbing because I'm the world's worst mother.

This morning I sat my son down on my bed and looked away for two seconds. Keep in mind he has not started rolling yet, and he was lying flat on his back away from the edge of the bed.

Well, that didn't stop him from rolling for the first time ever off or a four foot tall bed. He landed bottom down with his legs under him, but then fell over and hit his head on our CONCRETE floor.

I watched and dived to grab him. It was the scariest moment of my life. I screamed as soon as I saw him fall and then dived to catch him, but I wasn't fast enough. My husband ran into the room as I was sobbing and saying get his stuff ready, we are going to the ER.

My son calmed down after 10 minutes and he was back to smiling and laughing. No visible injuries, I touched his head, back, legs and arms and he was fine. Even two hours later still no visible injuries.

We are sitting in the ER for four hours of monitoring, but they say he looks perfectly fine.

I am so thankful he is okay, and I am praying that he stays this way

I feel like the absolute worst mom in the world. I've learned my lesson and this will NEVER EVER happen again. I feel like garbage and traumatized after watching my helpless baby fall like that.