My boyfriend doesn’t wanna get a job

So ladies I’m looking for some advice from people on the outside. I’m currently on pelvic rest and out of work due to complications in my pregnancy. Before this I was employed by my boyfriends mom. When him and I would get into arguments he would text his mom and message me telling me he was pulling up to my job and was going to have me fired. So I left the company and that’s about when I was taken out of work anyways. Now I have always been the one who works and always supported us. It had been hard on me and straining to my relationship as I was also supporting his 2 children from a previous relationship and my child. As of August 1st we have been homeless. My sister has been letting us stay at her house, but bills are now adding up and overdue. My boyfriend had a job and QUIT because he didn’t like his boss. Anyways I told him he needed to get a new job a month ago. Every day he’s been sitting at my sisters doing nothing, asking for handouts from his mom.(none of these handouts are paying bills) it’s for ciggerettes/vapes $10 here and there. I have spoke to him several times about how the bills needed to be paid, my car is my car and only in my name same as the insurance so he has nothing to lose. It has been to the point where he applies for jobs to say that he did but when they reach out he doesn’t answer the phone. I’m beyond drained. I don’t think I should have to keep telling him or giving him ultimatums. I’m about to go back to work regardless because I need the money, but do I have the right to think I should just cut my losses and do it myself? It’s mentally draining to have to constantly be on him and him clearly not care. Please give me opinions.