Ladies, how did you get over your first love/boyfriend?

I recently gotten out of a relationship.

We dated from November 2018-January 2020. He broke up with me over text, reason is that he thinks we’re not right for each other and we just don’t seem to get along. (He’d already broken up with me twice June-July 2020, one after making a mistake on the highway - it was when I went on an exit with the car in front of me who was obviously mad at me for merging in the right lane while he was switching lanes - my ex told me I should’ve went into another exit but it was the exit I had to take!!! The second one he broke up over text because he didn’t like that he felt like he has to I love you to me all the time).

We bumped into each other at Walmart in May 2020. We decided to try it again. I knew how awful he was for and to me, but I still believed it would be different this time. But no it was the same and possibly worse. I was already planning on ending it but he ended it first. Over text again. In July 31, before I had to move into my new place. He promised to help me move in too. I am so devastated. We were on FaceTime two hours before he broke up with me and he even told me he loved me that night before.

I saw him today when I passed by his house to get to the town over his. I was such a mess. I know how much of a dick and pussy he is but I still love him and it’s so hard to believe that he just gives up on me AGAIN.

Please help!