

Back info: my daughter is going to be 2 in November and her father barely has anything to do with her. Last year my boyfriend and I were engaged and he wanted to adopt her, around her birthday last year my step mother had used my phone while I was visiting her telling my fiance that we were over and we were not coming back. I wasnt aware of anything cause she deleted the messages shd had sent, I found out i was pregnant in December and moved back in with him in April of this year.

Current situation I'm facing is I receive tanf for my daughter with her biological father and now DHS has enforced child support and her father wants to eliminate his parental rights, which I have no problem with letting him do. My ex fiance now just boyfriend still wants to adopt her but doesnt feel ready to get engaged again! I don't know how to feel about that, he's willing to accept my daughter but not me. Am I over reacting or no? I genuinely feel heartbroken and selfish cause I don't want to deny him and her happiness but where exactly is my happiness in all this? Telling me he's not ready to think about marrying me again but he wants to take my child as his own legally. :(