I need advice 🙏🏻 please read!! Sorry it’s long

Hi everyone!! I’m just looking for advice from other parents on what they would do in my situation because I’m completely confused and lost on what to do. No judging please!!

Ok so I have an 8 year old from a previous relationship, we split up 7 years ago and we have a great relationship now and get along fine. We share 50/50 custody. I’m married and have a 1 year old with my husband now. My oldest daughters father has a good paying job and is living comfortably. We live in NY in an expensive neighborhood and me and my husband can barely afford to live here. We’re scrapping by. But we stay here to be close to my 8 year old.

Let me add- we’ve never been to court for custody or child support. We talk and make our own agreements and that’s worked for years. My 8 year old is also a big daddys girl and has some behavioral issues and isn’t good dealing with change. but now we really need to move before we get ourselves into a bigger money hole. MY QUESTION IS: should I ruin my relationship with my ex and turn my daughters life upside down by taking him to court to fight to move with my daughter or should me and my husband move and try to be ok with only getting her weekends and on holidays? 😭😭😭 I’m so torn. She’s my whole world but I have others to think about as well