How to associate LO’s bedroom is for sleep?


Baby has been in our room since birth. She has her own bed, and only rarely bed-shares (only when she’s having a rough teeth night).

She’s always known her room too- we’ve done everything in there since birth. Nurse, change, bedtime routine, play, etc. She’s fallen asleep in there but only from nursing so not a true falling asleep.

How do I get her to associate her room with sleep??

As soon as I bring her to the rocking chair in our room and get the pillow to prop her on in my lap and the sound machine going she knows it means sleep. I’ve tried to replicate it in her room but she stalls... wants her books or to walk around, etc.

Anyone else go through this? And/or any advice? Or do I just keep trying, and when I keep trying how long to i try before bringing her back to our room? I was trying this week but we were up in her room for an hour and I know she was tired but she didn’t want to give in.