Is she a manipulator?

I’m the youngest and the more responsive one out of my siblings. I make decent money for a decent living ($5000 a month in California which is an expensive town) I make enough for rent and food and maybe a few hundreds in savings. I live with my fiancé who is in school and working too. I give my mother $750 a month (even though she has a husband) for whatever she wants. I am her caregiver and I always take her out for errands and do chores but I let her keep the money for herself since I also have my full time job. Well whenever I have any kind of money I won or if I get money from school (financial aid) she always tells me to send her more money. When I don’t give it to her she tells me that I’m stingy and that she gave me so much money in the past (my grand mother as fault lend her the money for remortgaging my grand mother’s house so technically it’s not hers, but it’s nice that she helped me out in the past) I feel like whenever I say no she gets mad at me and I get upset because it’s not like I don’t give her anything i work with covid patients and I have like $4000 saved up for emergencies just in case me or my fiancé gets sick or anything happens. She told me today that she wanted $30 and I told her I don’t have money. She said that I did because I have $4000 in my savings and it’s only $30. I told her again, emergencies I don’t like pulling out money I’d like to save it. She then said that she gave me so much money in the past (from my grandmothers remortgage) and I got upset because I never tell her that I give her money all of the time or throw it back to her face. I finally said that I will just pay her back whatever money she thinks I still owe her & then she hung up on me. She knows I’m very stressed with school and working but I feel like at times she doesn’t even care about me and only the money. Maybe I’m in the wrong and should just give her the $30?