My husband doesn't want any more kids...

So we have 6 kids together. 3 are from our marriage. I just had our last baby a little a over a year ago and he was supposed to be the last one! Well a couple weeks ago I totally dropped the ball on my BC and long story short I'm 5 weeks prego.

This would be my 5th csec. And could potentially be dangerous for me and baby.

I spilled the beans last night and even tho he hasn't said it outright I know he wants me to get an abortion.

When I really take a look at things I feel like that would be the best decision and yet I CANNOT bring myself to be ok with it. I've done research and know what to expect and it makes my stomach turn to agree to it.

I've tried doing some major soul searching and everything inside me is screaming to keep this baby.

I realize that it was totally irresponsible of me to F up my BC, and I realize that this was never part of the plan. I realize that 7 fricken kids is a lot...but what if it was just ment to be?