Baby fever at 14 months


My LO is 14 months and pushing buttons like CRAZY!!! As frustrating as he is I still look back on old photos and videos and long for another. My husband is 17 years my senior and works his ass off providing for us. I am soooooo appreciative of all he does for us and constantly tell him how thankful I am that he works so that I can stay home with our son which was always our plan. Lately I've been contemplating our options.

Firstly Covid can suck my ass. This totally put a damper on everything. Put that aside for the time being. We spent about 3 years and multiple fertility treatments and heartbreaking losses before conceiving our amazing little boy. He's almost 15 months and I've been wanting another baby. My husband is over 50 (we both were previously married with no kids, story for another time) and I want him to be able to have enough energy to play with his kids. He's our bread winner and I am so appreciative of him every second of every day, but I want him to enjoy these years with our child(ren). Plus...I honestly don't know how long it'll take to conceive again.

Anyone gone through this? Am I selfish for wanting another baby? Obviously I want to wait a bit for Covid to settle but what if it doesn't?

Most importantly, if we are destined to have another child I want them to have as much time with their father as possible. Ugh what do we do??