

Ok. So my baby was doing SO good with sleep. He was sleeping 7-8 hr stretches. It was such a beautiful thing.🙌

However, this past week has been a nightmare. 😒 My son will be 4 months on sept 3rd. (So still a couple weeks away from 4mo for sleep regression.?) We called his pedi and she recommended to start him on rice and maybe he was waking to his belly not feeling full. We tried rice last night for the very first time and he loved it! Butttt he still woke every 3hrs 🤬 . He wasn't hungry.. he was just whining until I put the binky in his mouth.

What is this new sleep thing with waking up now so frequently??? Should we continue the rice.? I for sure thought that was going to get him back on track.

Any advice is helpful!