I feel like my husband is making a mistake

My husband is a car salesman. In January 2019 he was put up for cadetship to be a manger, but he left two months later for a dealership much closer to home who offered better benefits.

His old job has offered him his job back with immediate consideration for the cadetship again and an automatic path to management. This was unsolicited, the phoned him out the blue.

He uuuuuumed and aaaaahed over this offer all week, kept saying he will go, he feels compelled to go, etc. Last night we stayed up past midnight talking about this!

Today now his tune has COMPLETELY changed. Saying he doesn't want the extra responsibility, the extra travel, etc. That he never actually planned on leaving, he needs stability (even though his work environment is toxic), the grass may not necessarily be greener on the other side, etc.

His currently company outright said they don't promote from within unless a person is absolutely worth it, and that my husband is too much of a clown to be considered as management material.

It's annoying me today especially because he ALWAYS does this. He turns down any opportunity to grow, he's so fickle, always changes his mind, etc. And I feel like he's doing himself a huge disfavour by turning this down and he literally just says OH WELL.

Super annoyed with him, anything you suggest saying to him to help him see the light?

I know it's his choice but I'm struggling to respect his decision.

@Casey yes I did, almost word for word. I told him it sounds like he's got cold feet and that he just said he made a mistake entertaining the offer.

@ Flower (not sure what to call you, other than by your emoji name description, sorry). The thing is he's NOT happy where he is. He's been complaining for months now that he made a mistake by leaving before and not following through with the cadetship, etc. Now the opportunity is back and he's going to turn it down AGAIN.