Would you be upset

I'm 30 weeks pregnant and have a 13 month old. My SO works from 10am to 630pm Monday - friday. I get up every morning by 9 and take him to work then pick him up. I have our son all day and night. On his days off he sleeps in. Well he took a while week off this week. Every day I have gotten up by 8:30 take care of our son all day then I do bath time and bed time with 0 help unless he feels like it. He wakes up whenever he gets up normally around 10 then he gets a nap during the day sometimes 2 naps. I dont get to sleep in or take any naps unless I take one while my son is but that's my time and the only time I get to myself so I dont take naps. Am I wrong for being upset he gets to sleep in and take naps when I'm the one doing all the work while high risk.