Independent sleep 😫


I’m so torn. A week ago my baby slept through the night almost every single night. We have a night time routine that does involve us rocking her to sleep. Naps were okay. She takes shorts naps but we elongate them by rocking back to sleep or I hold her a few mins. All sleeping takes place in her crib, dark room, sound machine, etc...

She starts daycare soon, I’m stressed about naps to say the least, now she’s waking up at night. I don’t know what to do! Do I sleep train?! I feel like everything I read says I MUST have this independent sleeper but i don’t feel like there is anything wrong with rocking my baby to sleep at 4 months? But I feel like maybe I am just being selfish? Idk... do you guys have independent sleepers yet? Do you rock your baby still?