He’s always pissed off and in a bad mood. Am I wrong here? Please help!

My husband and I have some running around to do today. I’ve been telling him I need to buy lotion (for stretch marks), toothpaste for our daughter, stuff to remove fruit flies (everyday it keeps getting worse and worse because he “forgets” or “doesn’t feel like going” they’re literally multiplying like crazy!)and groceries for a while now. I kept mentioning this to him. I planned it for today since we have the weekend off (daughter is at my in laws) and I wanted to get everything done today so tomorrow and Monday we can relax or actually have a date night for once! I’m currently pregnant and I’m super tired and stressed lately so I just honestly wanted to relax for ONCE.

So this morning when we were driving our daughter to my in laws he ended up getting pissed because of the amount of traffic and his GPS was acting up so he passed where we were supposed to meet. My daughter ended up crying because he was swearing and raising his voice a lot.

Once our daughter was dropped off I said we had to go to the mall to pick out an outfit for him (we have family photos coming up soon and I don’t bring my daughter to any stores due to Covid so I wanted to do it today and because I wanted a break). He said he needs to eat first. So we were driving and he was again getting road rage and he’s like “we’re having Burger King” and I told him I don’t really want it and he said “idc I never have it” so whatever I just ate it.

Then we get to the mall and he was getting annoyed because we had to go into different stores to find what to wear (he just needs specific colours for coordinating outfits). We ended up leaving with nothing and he said we will just go somewhere else. So I asked if he wanted to go to an outlet mall or anything and he said “no I’m done driving. We’re not going today.” so I was kinda annoyed because we have a time line for outfits and Im the type of person that needs to be prepared. And Again, I wanted to relax this weekend because no lie EVERY TIME my daughter is away I don’t end up getting a break. I’m more stressed than anything.

So then we’re driving home and I asked him what he wants for dinner (we need to go grocery shopping) and he said “idk I don’t want to think about that right now” btw he ALWAYS says that and then come dinner time he’s hangry and I’m too tired to cook so we eat out. So then I asked a question about if he thinks renovating something is a good idea and he said “I don’t want to talk right now. That’s why I didn’t want to talk about dinner.” So the whole way home (almost an hour) was silence. We get home and we were just on our phones laying on the couch. I asked him again what he wants to eat it’s 4pm and we still need groceries and he said “idk what do you want?” and I told him and he said “fine but I’m not even hungry right now I don’t want to go now” but like I need to get everything and I told him I’m hungry and I don’t want to be cooking at 8 at night. I’m tired.

So he said fine and I told him we need to go to Walmart because I need all that other stuff that I’ve been needing and he got all annoyed and said how he does want to drive far (it’s 15 mins away) and how he’s done driving. Then he ended up playing video games. I’m like this is honestly not how i wanted to spend my time. There was no point in our daughter going away if it’s going to be like this and went upstairs. He came upstairs 20 minutes later and said you wanna go now and I asked if he’s going to be pissy because it’s really draining being around someone who’s always pissy all the time and he got mad and said it’s my fault too and said he’s not going to beg me to go and left to go downstairs. Now he’s smoking weed...

Am I wrong here? What would you do? Should I just go? This is so annoying. He’s always pissed off for no reason and if he’s pissed EVERYONE needs to be in a bad mood. I was in a good mood today and now I’m pissed and feel anxious. I feel like he’s being so selfish if he needed something or was hungry he would go get it right away. Btw I don’t have my license right now which is why I can’t drive myself or else I would have.