My family compare me to my dead grandmother and it makes me uncomfortable :(

My mom was super close with her mother but she passed away when my mom was pregnant with me. All my life my mom and other members of my family tell me I look EXACTLY like her. At first I was okay with it because I knew my mom missed her. But the comments that really bother me are the ones that refer to my chest. I was overweight before I went through puberty and when I did go through it my chest grew big.

The comments they make, is usually to eachother or family members who haven’t seen me since I was like 6. And it’s always revolving around my chest. It makes me uncomfortable even though I lost all the weight. They always say “she looks just like chery: short, small feet, small hands, BiG bOoBs” and it makes me so self conscious of my body bc I can feel them looking at me. I’ve had other comments about my body, like sexual ones in middle school which is where I assume this hatred and negativity stems from. Even compliments make me so uncomfortable.

I feel like I can’t/feel uncomfortable confronting my mom and family bc my grandmother died and my mom is still heartbroken over it. AND my mom knows these stories about what was said about me in middle school.

Only recently have I started trying to deal with this bc I realized how much it traumatized me.