How do you stay connected with your S/O?


Ok I'll apologize up front for any typos. I'm nursing a baby to sleep and my phone is super far from my face. 😂

So I've been with my hubs since 2014 (married since Jan 2018). We have a 9 month baby, so i get that we are still in the whole "find your groove in life with a kid" stage, but oh my soul.

We've never been great with communicating face to face. In college we just texted all the time because life was busy and bible college doesn't really let you pair up and actually talk alone in person. Also, we lived 1700 miles apart, so when we *weren't * at school, it was still just texting and never actually spending good, meaningful time together.

When we got married, we lived about 1500 miles from either of our families, and between that and some issues we had before we got married. I feel like we're just roommates. I've been working on myself as far as healing from past traumas, and hes a great guy, but its just not there emotionally.

I WANT it to be though. How do you get that excitement back? What are some things you do intentionally to keep your relationship solid?