Adult topic

I feel like crying I am stressed out and disgusted with the injustices wrongs of the world.

I hate that families get divorced mostly because of men!(cheating, finding someone they think is better, addictions, financial spending money on there needs not family, abuse)

I don't know how to feel there's men and women addicted to pornography and the world tells people pornography is okay its not.

I am worried about the youth also

I am worried about homosexual men I have seen so many from age 18 dating way older men that take advantage of them.

I hate how people spred STDs and don't care.

The ones that are so hurt they use drugs

And the people who ignore people especially when they are involved and know they are there everyday and don't try to make this person happy look at all the teenagers who feel all alone like no one cares about them or understand them like no one has time for each other when in the Bible there is time for Family!

How some men abandon women.

How men have slept with men and watch porn transgender or men and you don't know who they are if they are straight or gay.

There's women who's men hit them hurt them emotionally

People who ghost or break up with a text

This world is burning down

I feel like weeping for the worlds suffering