24 weeks and experiencing so much for the 1st time


I didn't know exactly how much I weighed before I got pregnant. But at 8 weeks seeing the doc for the first time I was about 242ish. At some point I had started eating alot. I gained about 10 pounds but then I quickly put myself in check and cut out almost all sugars and for the most part junk food. Just weighed in a few days ago and dropped from 245 a month ago down to 242 again. Doc says baby is growing just fine. He's very active! All testing has come back good!

I've seriously had at most 4 bags of chips since then. Funny thing is that recently I really want chips but every time I go to buy some I can't decide which ones so I just don't get them. I almost never have sweets and if I have soda it has to be clear and I make sure I drink just as much or more water. I'm not a couch potato and I'm outside all the time. Weird thing is tho, I swear getting pregnant made me weak. I mean really, I work on cars and have absolutely no problem opening things or lifting a 50 plus bag of dog food normally. It's like growing this little boy of mine is seriously taking nearly all of my energy and focus.

I used to love driving and had the up most confidence... but lately it feels weird and when I get behind the wheel something just don't feel right. I can't keep my attention on the road or I feel like I'm all over the road even tho I know I'm not. It's like i just can't pay attention even tho I'm watching the road and not actually doing anything wrong. It just feels mentally uncomfortable.

Does anybody else have these things happen to them?

And I've been full on excited and in baby mode. This really feels real now! I love it!

One more question tho..

Sex. I like sex. Unfortunately I don't get it much at all. I get in these obnoxious overly horny moods and my mind is permanently in the gutter. I hangout with only guys and all the time, it don't help. So I finally get the chance to fool around and have someone in my bed and although nobody made a move I start freaking out on the inside and ask him to leave. It's like I only want one person and anybody else it feels wrong and I just can't do it... then yesterday I hangout most of the day with a friend who I've been with before and we had a quicky. And even tho I tried everything I could think of, i wasn't into it at all. I miss him, that guy, my guy.. the only one I want. I feel so lost without him. And even tho I want sex, I would rather just fall asleep in each other's arms and stay there all night. I would choose the intimate moments like that anyday. He makes me feel things that nobody else ever has.