Helllppp (updated)

I can’t reply to comments because I do t want people knowing who I am, but I’m stressed. August 15th my boyfriend and I had unprotected sex n we had to get a plan b. But I didn’t take it till the next day and 5-7 minutes later I threw up (I have horrible stomach problems and I’m always puking) but this the last two says I had mild cramping and woke up to this. It wasn’t in my underwear but just when I wiped. I’m really hoping it’s just my period. But I haven’t had one in 174 days. When should I take a test if it’s implantation bleeding?

Update -

Yes I know you can’t be pregnant in a week. Implantation bleeding is not pregnancy. It’s the start of the egg and sperm joining together and IMPLANTING on uturine lining. It will take about another week or so to know if it is pregnancy or not. I’m only worried because I ended up puking right after I took the plan b. That’s why I was asking for people opinions to see if anyone else had the same experience. We did not pull out or use condoms.