Spit up



How much does your baby spit up? My baby is 3 weeks old and she’s been spitting up after almost every feed (EBF). Sometimes it’s a little bit sometimes a lot. I’m wondering if she has reflux just doesn’t seem normal but some people tell me it is

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My baby spits up a lot. I exclusively pump so we have been able to try the different bottles and do paced feeding, but it has only helped a little. We also hold him upright for 15-20 min after each feed and burp him after every 1/2 oz. I brought him to the doctor and she said it’s normal. She said sometimes they give them Prilosec for a short period of time but they prefer not to. Didn’t really give me any advice other than what we are already doing.


Melissa • Aug 23, 2020
Thank you good to know


Posted at
My son is ebf and spits up A LOT. I keep having to buy more burp cloths because I go through them so fast. It’s annoying. But the dr said it’s normal because his digestive system is learning to work, and I just need to wait it out. But it’s so gross! And looks so uncomfortable! We’ve been giving him probiotic drops for the last few weeks, and maybe that helps? We also hold him upright after feeding for, if we can. And he is definitely gaining weight. So I’m not too worried.


Melissa • Aug 24, 2020
Thank you! This makes me feel better about it


Posted at
Mine has been spitting up more and I’ve wondered this. My nephew had reflux. My sister said he would spit up so much that she worried he wasn’t getting enough to eat. That most would end up coming back up. As long as they are gaining weight I think it’s ok.


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My baby spits up pretty much after every feed and is also exclusively breast fed. Usually it’s not a lot but sometimes he will spit up a few times


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Yup my daughter spits up constantly. I feel like it is more than my son did (and one time I slipped on his because it was so much 😅) She is growing very well though. While it sucks watching her spit up and being covered in breast milk all day, I know she is growing fine and I know she’s okay.


Posted at
All three of mine were/are EBF. First baby spit up TONS. Every feeding, he'd soak my shirt and his multiple times. I bet if I'd been able to catch and measure it, he was spitting up at least 2 oz every time. But he was gaining weight and it didn't make him uncomfortable, so his doctor didn't want to prescribe anything for it. Second baby, hardly spit up at all. Third baby spits up after every feeding. It is usually very minimal, but sometimes it's a lot like baby 1.