What are your thoughts?

Okay... so my boyfriend has not really been showing me any love... we have been together 8 years and its like I’m not even here. ( I know newness wears off) I have anxiety really bad and started questioning things. I thought I might be over thinking ( like normal) but..... I let it go. He had never had a problem when it came to having sex but then all the sudden wouldn’t get hard.. I started questioning more ( to myself) it led me into a state of depression. So I looked at his phone ( he always deletes everything)....then one day I was on google ( I look up a lot of random things) and realized my daughters phone is connected to mine... so I tried to see if there was a way to see your google history and delete... which found there was.,. Well time went by and I finally checked his... he watches porn like every day/ every other. I have never been a porn person... I freaked... I have extremely low confidence and my mind is going nuts...am I loosing it? I just don’t feel that he thinks I’m good enough now.. idk just need some others opinions and I really have no one to talk to it about... I expect negative.. that’s why I am anonymous but please tell me if I have lost it!!