My neighbor is a real C***!


I don’t use that word, and if I do, it’s directed at a person I feel really deserves it, which isn’t often. Anyway, my neighbor is a real bitch and from what the police officers have said to me, (they’ve been called on her, multiple times for multiple things) she’s an alcoholic with some mental issues. So one day I’m walking out of my apartment, feeling myself because it’s not often I feel good about myself. I decided to be daring and wear an outfit I would normally not wear, because again, I know what looks good on my body type and what doesn’t. She proceeds to call after me and calls me a “fat ass bitch,” “whore” and a slew of other names, basically calling out my outfit choice. This is what I wore. So, what do you all think of my outfit? Do you agree with her? :/