Are men born difficult?


My partner can be the most sweetest loving guy and be so selfless....

However some days he really gets on my tits 😂

He moans the house smells but won't hoover (his chore he does once a week if that!) so it's full of cat hair and when its rainy the wipe themselves dry on it so the house smells... well like wet cat 😂😼

Anyway, we both work full time.. I do all the dishes, put them away, I clean the cats litter, clean the whole house, do the laundry, cook breakfast make his lunch and dinner every day....

Today I asked for help which I rarely do, however it falls on death ears so I end up doing it myself..... which sucks!

I went hiking 14 miles on Sat and today I walked 8 miles around a golf course... so I am pretty damn tired!

He ends up being mad at ME... I ask him for help and to do our shopping 4 times... so when he asked to do the shopping (online mind) apparently "i have no interest in doing it" when I am sat right there waiting for him while he is watching Youtube videos 🤦‍♀️!

Has anyone had any success in getting their man to do a bit more house work.. other than hoovering?

I'm literally wasting my breath!