Anyone else stuck under a baby?


7 weeks and I was so sure last week was the worst of it as everything said “6 weeks is the peak of fussiness”... yeah, this kid has basically boycotted all of his naps and I’m struggling to stay sane with a 2 year old who has been throwing mad tantrums. Listening to Drakes “Laugh Now Cry Later” and feeling it in my sole these days 😂😫 only 5 more weeks to the end of the 4th trimester. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this.

Here I am. Hair all disheveled. Baby spit up all over me. And this cute little suction cup baby on my chest.

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Posted at
“Cute little suction cup baby”😂 😂 😂


Tatyana • Aug 24, 2020


Posted at
Girl me too. My baby sleeps all of the time or screams like a crazy person ☹️


Tatyana • Aug 25, 2020
Yup! If he’s not sleeping, he’s screaming and crying


Posted at
The nap boycott - it can truly mess with your head. All of a sudden, the sleep schedule, feed schedule, bedtime, and anything else in adult world is completely off. I find it really, really difficult that it’s so hot out, too - the usual walk in a carrier or stroller, or drive (which I’m assuming would be pretty effective) is suddenly not possible because of the heat😩. I tried to put my son in his stroller and walk around the house today, and he just looked at me, like, “I know you’re just walking around the kitchen island.” 😂


Liz • Aug 25, 2020
Oh no you don't! Don't go inside!... And don't sit down, not even on the bench swing! What are you doing, standing around?! Walk, woman! Walk! 🙄


J • Aug 25, 2020
SAME. Tried that the other day just to see what would happen (too hot here to stay outside) - and eyes started closing. Took one step inside and BAM! Awake.


Liz • Aug 25, 2020
Oh goodness no, they KNOW if they're not outside and are smug about it too! 😂 Well of course they aren't smug but... I'm walking around with baby in her wrap, the carpet is developing a track for me and nooo, nothing happens. Aaalright, let's go outside. Fifteen steps outside and baby is asleep... If I can sneak back inside, I'll load the washing machine... IF.


Posted at
Yes, Ive been going through the same. I feel like I spend my days sitting on my ass and trying to keep my baby happy. I haven't got much accomplished since we came home from the hospital. We just moved in a few days before I gave birth too. I get through it by telling myself it won't be like this forever.


Stacy • Aug 24, 2020
I hear ya there. We had just moved like a week before my daughter was born. It feels like hardly anything has been done since and that my ass will just get bigger from all the sitting lol


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I'm feeling you!The other day from noon to midnight baby only slept in my arms and about ten minutes per hour. If I moved, she woke. If I took the wrong kind of breath she woke up. I was right there with you with the "baby won't need this kind of attention forever, it's fine, she needs this now but soon she won't" mantras!For my three years old, I found that if I initiated a lot of snuggles her tantrums are less severe and not so frequent. It's things like nursing on the sofa and asking if she wants to sit with me. She will say no, then come sit with me anyway, snuggling into my side. If I cover her head with kisses all day she'll act like it's a bit of a bother, but she'll suck up all that love and be a little calmer.


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Yep! But he's adapted to the mamaroo finally so I can get one good nap in there a day and get some stuff done. So cute look at that hair on him!


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Yep my baby is 7 weeks and will not nap when he’s tired. He will only sleep if I’m holding him